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The secretary is a person elected who is two steps below the President, and is perhaps one of the three highly regarded positions.
Job Requirements
The job requirements of the secretary are to:
- Coordinate with mentors and other executives to set meeting dates
- Record notes during executive meetings
- Communicate information to members/parents to inform of events or meetings or whatever else
Coordination with Mentors
What does it mean? Pretty much you have to ensure that a meeting day is set and there is confusion about when it is, where it will be, and what will be going on that day.
Record Notes during Meetings
Some things - like information other than meeting dates - need to be recorded for future use and/or for use in a email or something like that would be sent to members, parents, or sponsors. What would this be? If we organized a group to manage a presentation to sponsors and I need to know who was on that group later, I can only figure that out if someone wrote it down. Ideally, that person would be you (the secretary).
Emails sent out to members, parents, and possibly even sponsors should be concise (look it up). I, the team member, should be able to read the email, figure out what it is about, and quickly get the information I need. An example email which I would write can be seen below:
Hi all,
We will be having a meeting in Mrs. Rutland's room (D214) on Thursday (1/18) at 2:30 PM. The meeting will end around 4:00 PM. In this meeting we will work on designing the manipulator for this year's FRC game and break into groups later to work on the drivetrain.
If you have not seen the game for this year, you can view it here: http://www.usfirst.org
Keep in touch with members, by joining our forum. There you can communicate with members out of meetings and discuss ideas freely any time. You can find the forum here: http://www.prhsrobotics.com/forum
Cheers -John Doe
As you can see my email gets to the point quickly, giving me important information such as location, date, and times quickly in the first sentence, while also giving me extra information for those who are not "in the know." In the following paragraphs, I add information which could be overall useful to a member - this year's game, and a promotion of this forum. Quick and easy
Overall, the job as a secretary is not limited to what I listed above, but that is in a general way what it is (ok - it really isn't, but go with me on this). Being a secretary is knowing information and being able to share it with others reliably and in a good manner. If I need to know what we did last week, what's Johnny's phone number, or who is designing the super-secret rocket engine drivetrain, I should be able to get it from you.