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2014 Aerial Assist
Aerial Assist was the FRC game in 2014.
Game Description
Aerial Assist is played by two competing Alliances of three Robots each on a flat 25’ x 54’ foot field, straddled by a lighting truss suspended just over five feet above the floor. The objective is to score as many balls in goals as possible during a 2 minute and 30 second match. The more Alliances score their ball in their goals, and the more they work together to do it, the more points their alliance receives.
Low goal:
- Base: 1
- Auto: 6 (Base + 5)
- Auto & Hot: 11 (Base + Auto + 5)
- 1 assist: 1 (Base + 0)
- 2 assists: 11 (Base + 10)
- 3 assists: 31 (Base + 30)
High goal:
- Base: 10
- Auto: 15 (Base + 5)
- Auto & Hot: 20 (Base + Auto + 5)
- 1 assist: 10 (Base + 0)
- 2 assists: 20 (Base + 10)
- 3 assists: 40 (Base + 30)
- Base: 10
- Auto: 5
- Base: 10
Field Description
The field for Aerial Assist is a 24 ft. 8 in. x 54 ft. carpeted area, bounded by and including the guardrails, alliance, and rear faces of the low goals. The field floor is covered with carpet. Two (2) high goals are located at each end of the field above the alliance walls. Two (2) low goals are located in the corners next to each alliance wall. A truss bisects and spans the width of the field.
These are the robots that our team made for this game: