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Adrian Jimenez

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Adrian Jimenez
Name Adrian Jimenez
Gender Male
Member in Year(s) 2016

Adrian Jimenez is a member of the team.

What Got You Involved in the Team?

I got involved in the team because I was curious as to how robots were programmed, and the concept of programming itself. Along with this, I had always viewed robots as cool throughout my lifetime, so that was another influence that led me to get involved. Lastly, I wanted to get in touch with many of the people who I had met on the FLL team in middle school, seeing as they were my friends.

Who is Your Role Model?

Although I don't have a main role model, if I were to come up with one on the spot, I would say Nikola Tesla due to the fact that he invented and innovated many things in his lifetime, much like I would prefer to do if I were given the opportunity.

What are Your Future Career Plans

As of this moment, I have no future career plans whatsoever. (I am interested in the Engineering/Architecture fields though)

Interests or Hobbies

I like building things out of scrap materials I find around, and especially gaming.

What Other Groups/Clubs Are You Involved In?

None at the moment.

What Are Your Dreams In Life?

My goal is just to become as knowledgeable as possible, and to share this knowledge with people around me. Along with this, I would like to invent or help develop an invention in my future life if possible, if the opportunity is given to me.

Favorite Robotics Quote


Favorite Robotics Moments


Anything special you'd like to add about yourself?