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Cameron Burkes

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Cameron Burkes
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Name Cameron Burkes
Gender Male
Member in Year(s) 2017

What got you involved in the team?

I helped put parts of the robot together and unscrew screws

Who is Your Role Model?

My dad because he is a great successful person that cares for people and teaches me right from wrong

What are Your Future Career Plans

My future career plan is to become an architect

Interests or Hobbies

Playing tennis, being outside, watching TV, and being with friends and family

What Other Groups/Clubs Are You Involved In?

I'm on a tennis team and plan to join the one at school.

What Are Your Dreams In Life?

To become a successful person in life that has a good career.

Favorite Robotics Quote

"We're screwed"

Favorite Robotics Moments

When we accomplished building the robot

Anything special you'd like to add about yourself?

I'm left-handed unlike most people