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Elizabeth Knott

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Elizabeth Knott
Name Elizabeth Knott
Gender Female
Member in Year(s) 2015, 2016

Elizabeth Knott is a member of the team.

What Got You Involved in the Team?

I saw an announcement on the school news, and I thought it would be cool.

Who is Your Role Model?

Steve Jobs. Not because I prefer Apple or whatever, but just because of his amazing leadership skills and incredible attention to detail. Also Jesus Christ. I mean, that guy is flawless.

What are Your Future Career Plans

Something in engineering, obviously. I really like design and 3D modeling, so maybe something in a field that deals with that.

Interests or Hobbies

Creative flow and creation of "stuff", Horseback riding/training, Charity and Volunteering

What Other Groups/Clubs Are You Involved In?

TSA, Adopt-A-Grandparent club

What Are Your Dreams In Life?

To surpass my own expectations.

Favorite Robotics Quote

-Quoting Rishov Sarkar- "If you were a pool, i'd pee in you."

Favorite Robotics Moments

Every second at Palmetto (especially the drive up and back!) Every dinner ever.... The Suwanee Fest Parade