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Nithyasree Jameshenry

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Nithyasree Jameshenry
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Name Nithyasree Jameshenry
Gender Female
Member in Year(s) 2017

What got you involved in the team?

My father said it would probably be fun.

Who is Your Role Model?

Steve Wozniak, because even though he was co-founder of Apple, he was completely content with being the mastermind behind the operation, rather than being the face of the company.

What are Your Future Career Plans

I aspire to either go into financial management or entrepreneurship.

Interests or Hobbies

I like to read, draw, box, and eat.

What Other Groups/Clubs Are You Involved In?

I am a boxer and I play the violin. Other than that, nothing.

What Are Your Dreams In Life?

I wish to go to Princeton University or Columbia University and get a job where I can live comfortably and be as materialistic as I wish.

Favorite Robotics Quote

I don't have one.

Favorite Robotics Moments

Whenever Natalie Luong threatens people.

Anything special you'd like to add about yourself?

I'm sarcastic, pessimistic, and identify as a realist.