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Reanna Rafiq

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Reanna Rafiq
Name Reanna Rafiq
Gender Female
Member in Year(s) 2017, 2018

What Got You Involved in the Team?

Once, I came to a robotics event for the school and it got me involved with the team.

Who is Your Role Model?

Wonder Woman

What are Your Future Career Plans

I am not sure yet, but medicine seems interesting.

Interests or Hobbies

Playing the piano, collecting rocks and stickers, watching TV

What Other Groups/Clubs Are You Involved In?

FBLA, CSC, Sunday School Youth Group, Red Cross, Beta, Unicef, TSA...

What Are Your Dreams In Life?

I hope to have a life that is so stable that I can make others' lives stable as well.

Favorite Robotics Quote

"The best way to predict the future is to invent it."

Favorite Robotics Moments

Going to ViaSat, doing outreach at the elementary schools, etc.

Anything special you'd like to add about yourself?