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Sean Chen

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Sean Chen
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Name Sean Chen
Gender Male
Member in Year(s) 2015

Sean Chen is a member of the team.

What Got You Involved in the Team?

Honestly at first I wasn't really interested with this club but I thought it would be great to try out something new. Throughout the school, I've began to really enjoy this club.

Who is Your Role Model?

My favorite role model would be my friend. She always stays positive in tough situations, is a really good pianist and a fun person to talk to.

What are Your Future Career Plans

I plan to work in a medical field and study behavior

Interests or Hobbies

My hobbies include playing piano, listening to music, and fencing.

What Other Groups/Clubs Are You Involved In?

Fencing club!

What Are Your Dreams In Life?

I hope to get into a good college and find a good career I can stick with.

Favorite Robotics Quote


Favorite Robotics Moments

One of my favorite moments in robotics would be the vex competition because I've got to meet new people and participated in driving the robot. Our team didn't win, but it was certainly an exciting experience.