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Sumaer Sahney

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Sumaer Sahney
Name Sumaer Sahney
Gender Male
Member in Year(s) 2015, 2016, 2017
Officer Position(s) Held Webmaster in 2016 & 2017

Sumaer Sahney is the biggest dum dum member of the team.

What Got You Involved in the Team?

In middle school, I had friends who had joined the middle school FLL team. I saw what they were doing, and i found it very intriguing. I decided to join and enjoyed it a lot. I then decided to join the PRHS Robotics Team.

Who is Your Role Model?

Jane because she is the best VP of Communications anyone could ask for.

What are Your Future Career Plans

My goal is to be an Entrepreneur and to start up a business.

Interests or Hobbies

I enjoy programming and playing video games

What Other Groups/Clubs Are You Involved In?

I am also involved in TSA

What Are Your Dreams In Life?

  • To be successful.

Favorite Robotics Quote

"There is an orange in my cup" -Nabil Khan

Favorite Robotics Moments

Palmetto and Peachtree, I really enjoyed the competition and I really learned a lot from them.