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2009 Clean Sweep

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Clean Sweep logo

Clean Sweep was the VRC game for 2009.

Game Description

Robots start the match touching the wall perpendicular to the center wall. Each game lasts two minutes and twenty seconds, beginning with a twenty second autonomous. The goal of the game is to move as many balls as possible onto the opponents side of the field and by "locking up" balls into the triangular goals located on the center wall.


Scoring is allotted as follows:

  • Each Small Ball Scored - 1 point
  • Each Small Ball Locked Up - 3 points
  • Each Medium Ball Scored - 5 points
  • Each Large Ball Scored - 10 points
  • Autonomous Period Bonus - 5 points

Field Description

3D Rendering of Clean Sweep field layout

The Clean Sweep field is a 12 by 12 ft square field divided down the middle by the center wall. On the center wall there are three openings at the bottom for small balls to be pushed through, four triangles for balls to be locked up in, and four posts for four medium orange balls to be initially placed on.


These are the robots that our team made for this game:

  • No robots built yet.

External Links