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Aarnav Saxena

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Aarnav Saxena
Name Aarnav Saxena
Gender Male
Member in Year(s) 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019
Officer Position(s) Held Vice-President of Outreach in 2018 and 2019

"Most likely to play the saxophone"

What Got You Involved in the Team?

I was in Hull's robotics team starting from 7th grade and I had a good experience with that. When I saw that PRHS had a robotics team, I immediately gravitated to joining it.

Who is Your Role Model?

My biggest role models would probably be my parents. They've taught me a lot about life and have gotten success from it.

What are Your Future Career Plans

Probably going into the engineering/technical field (aerospace or biomedical engineering)

Interests or Hobbies

Gaming, reading, netflix, football, and soccer

What Other Groups/Clubs Are You Involved In?

FBLA, Robotics Business Team

What Are Your Dreams In Life?

Get a good career started and just live life to the fullest :)

Favorite Robotics Quote

"The party don't stop till I walk in" -Nehemiah Elias

Favorite Robotics Moments


Anything special you'd like to add about yourself?
